Pediatric Eye Exams

Pediatric Eye Exams

It's never too early to get your child the eye care they need to ensure their eyes are healthy and their vision is sound! Although it's recommended people get an eye exam every year to stay health, it might be difficult to know whether or not your child has pre-existing eye conditions that warrant the attention of a pediatric eye doctor.

At Seacat Optometry, our optometrist in Las Cruces, NM, can help determine whether or not your child needs additional eye care through a pediatric eye exam and vision tests. Our family eye doctor, Dr. Seacat, and the rest of his team are here to help you and your child see clearly and experience optimal eye health!

Pediatric Eye Exams

Does My Child Need an Eye Exam?

It's generally recommended that you bring your child in for an eye exam before they turn 1, at around 6 months of age. Afterward, eye exams can be completed and ages 3, 5, and 6 should the eye exam have no significant findings.

If you have not taken your child to an eye exam, it's best to visit a family eye doctor right away in case you notice signs of vision disorders. These can be difficult to detect in children, do to children showing subtle signs of eye discomfort or even not wanting to speak out about eye issues either because of shyness or embarrassment.

Some signs your child might need help from an eye doctor include:

  • Frequent squinting
  • Needing to move closer to the front of the classroom to see well
  • Inability to focus 
  • Blurred or double vision
  • Crossed eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Swollen eyes
  • Symptoms of myopia, or lazy eye
  • Constant eye rubbing
  • Complaining of headaches

These can all indicate that your child has a vision problem that can be corrected with the help of an optometrist.

How Can a Family Eye Doctor Help Me?

Our optometrist in Las Cruces will be able to conduct a comprehensive eye exam on your child, including taking a look at the eye through imaging tests, and conducting a vision exam to determine if your child has vision disorders. These can include:

  • Astigmatism
  • Myopia
  • Nearsightedness
  • Farsightedness

For children, our eye care specialist might recommend:

  • Eye drops
  • Eye patches
  • Specialty contact lenses 
  • Prescription glasses
  • Vision therapy
  • Eye surgery

Get Help from a Pediatric Eye Doctor in Las Cruces, NM

If you're looking for a highly-qualified pediatric eye doctor, visit Dr. Seacat at Seacat Optometry in Las Cruces, NM! We can help your child see better, live better, and help them get treatment for vision disorders! Call us today at (575) 521-1050 for more information or to schedule an appointment with our optometrist.


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